Church of the Nazarene
Welcome to
Chapel of the Cross
An Enduring Light
For almost four decades Chapel of the Cross has been AN ENDURING LIGHT on our hillside. In 1985 Pastor Ed Miller began a new congregation on the hillside in his downstairs' basement. After two years growth the congregation moved into a vacant office building with plans to build a church. With the help of various work and witness teams our physical church was planted and dedicated in December 1987. Ever since, our Church (building and people) have participated in various ministries in our surrounding community.
What to Expect

WHERE TO PARK if you are wondering, the answer is "Anywhere."
OUR ATMOSPHERE is of a smaller congregation. Though at first glance we might seem "traditional" we are made of people of all ages and walks of life.
YOUR CHILDREN (and ours) are seen as a valuable part of our worship. For this reason our worship is geared towards all ages... kids included! Subsequent age level teaching is provided during the sermon each Sunday except the fourth Sunday when they remain in the sanctuary the duration of worship.
STUDENTS stay in worship each Sunday. But they gather in person on Wednesday nights (6:30-7:30pm.)
ONLINE DIRECTORY is available for church members to access. To be included, update information, be removed, or get username/password please contact our offices. Click button to be led to directory site.